Hello and welcome to the second chapter in the development blog for the Hopewood Project. In this chapter we will be discussing my workflow management and plan of attack in getting this project completed to a high standard.
The first thing that must be addressed for this is getting my time management right which sounds easy on paper but unfortately isn't as simple due to being a universty student; a lot of this is a case of balance of power as I must not only produce this project but also work on another game project along with other assingments. This is also while saving some time for myself for my personal life and hobbies. The importance of getting the time management right is paramount not just for professionalism but also for the sake of ones own mental health; the games industry is plagued with severe crunch time and often pushes everyone to the limit an article by Joel Couture goes into this much more further.
Thankfully I have a plan set out to make sure this won't happen, essentially I'll be running this project like a weekend/temp job where I will only be working during the weekend days of Friday-Sunday leaving me with Monday-Tuesday to work on other projects and then on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I will be at uni and will be using the faclities and guidance from the tutors to assist with any of the objects I'm stumped on regardless of the project to make sure I'm keep making progress on every assignment and project I am working on.

I am also using a timesheet (Pictured to the left) to track my productivity and as proof for my working on projects. This will be extremely useful for me to monitor my performance throughout the project and to be able to optimise my workflow and to keep myself in check and motivated for the project. To also monitor the production a hacknplan was created by Annie in which she administrates but everyone is allowed to add and move along the tasks within our designated roles. This allows us as a team to view the progress and see which tasks have been completed and which ones are being worked on. In result increases productivity and production pace.